

In order to support a research network which includes many approaches and perspectives, the Labo Télé works in collaboration with other research laboratories and researchers from different horizons. It contributes to organizing Les midis du GRAFIM (Groupe de recherche sur l’avènement et la formation des identités médiatiques), an initiative from the CinéMédias laboratory which proposes a casual but rigorous discussion space around popular culture and fan communities. Since 2015, the Labo Télé has also been contributing to organizing the OCQ Tuesdays, conferences held by the Observatoire du cinema Québécois (OCQ) every Tuesday during academic semesters. The OCQ’s mission is to showcase Quebec cinema. As such, the Labo Télé has invited key actors from Quebec’s televisual industry in order to talk about their work. Across the years, the laboratory has received panellists such as Stéphane Cardin, Chloé Robichaud, Jocelyn Deschênes et Sarah Pellerin, and proposed discussions on the current state and the future of television in the digital age.